1. Do you like music?
yes ☐ no ☐
2. Who is your favourite singer / band?
3. What kind of music do/ don’t you listen to (Pop, Hiphop, Rock, …)?
____________________________ ___________________________
4. What’s your favourite song?
5. In which languages do you listen to music?
English ☐ Swedish ☐ Spanish ☐ Turkish ☐ other: __________________
6. Where do you listen to music? ______________________________________________________________
7. In which situations do you listen to music? ______________________________________________________________
8. In which ways do you listen to music (TV, radio, phone…)?
9. Do you watch sing- shows on TV and if which ones?
10. How often do you listen to music?
often ☐ sometimes ☐ never ☐ in between activities ☐
11. Have you ever been to a concert and if to which one? ______________________________________________________________
12. Do you play an instrument and if which one do you play?
13. Which instrument would you like to play?